Official Video of Tokyo Boishakhi Mela, 2023. - Shahjahan Siraj

যারা টোকিও বৈশাখী মেলায় আসতে পারেননি, তারা ঝটপট ভিডিও’টি দেখে ফেলুন। কি আনন্দই হয়েছিল সেদিন, তা ডিজিট‍্যালি উপভোগ করতে পারবেন।

The persons who could not join in the Boishaki Mela 2023, s/he will get an experience from this video.
I filmed, and edited this official vid

eo with core team of Boishakhi mela. This is 3rd time, I have worked for this biggest Bengali festival in Japan.

Thanks the organizer Dr. Aleemuzaman and his team for continuous and excellent efforts for NRB (Non-residence Bangladeshi )’s entertainment and encouragement in Japan. I have been again inspired from this event to contribute in the community.

My love and prayer for all future efforts of TBM and NRB.