The Opinion Archives - Page 3 of 53 - Shahjahan Siraj


Life is a mirror! Look your face in your mirror. If you can see your face in your mirror, you will be easily a successful, peaceful and happy person.

Dance of Puppet and Goliath

Dance of Puppet and Goliath

After the second world war Japan has declared ‘No More War, but Peace’. For unknown reasons, like Bangladesh and developing nations. Japan cannot become natural still now.

Recently Japanese people are appreciating Mr. Zelanskyy, the Ukrainian president. In the way, Japan is entering conflict zones and thinking.

In my opinion, Japan and the Japanese should not welcome conflict in Asia by appreciating so-called false peacemakers, Mr. Zelanskyy. Although every war has a deep reason, however, a result of political and cultural resentment.

We know, Japan is the most vulnerable country for atomic war. Japan needs to be in a neutral position like Switzerland for World Peace. Unless Russia, N.Korea and China may become more visible enemies.

We need to understand, Mr. Zelanskyy was a professional entertainer, jocker. He has the skill and confidence to make jokes and laughing. But leading a country and handling ‘Warlike crude reality; are not a ‘Mater of Jokes’. Anyone should not consider war, as an entertainment event. His selfie video is inspiring us, but may make more suffering for human life. It seems he is very excited to be a famous person, in this war-time, regularly live video talk express his responsibilities.

He should understand, with whom he is fighting. Begging weapons and talking with different countries’ MPs, and in parliaments will not stop this war. Because this war is happening for implementing a ‘Big Plan’. This is sure Russia will not back except the favourable result. It is very necessary for Mr. Zelanskyy to overcome the ego of presidentship. He has lost enough time to beg help and weapons, but don’t get as needed. So this is the time to negotiate with Big Bear Russia. Unless conflict will not stop, day by day will increase if Mr. Zelanskyy wants to exercise power more.

As I understand, Joining in NATO or the EU are not the precondition for the happiness and development of the Ukrainian people. Ukraine itself is a good and resourceful country. He should proud of these natural gifts. Instead of naturing the future and future, the nationalist leaders are welcoming ‘enemies of enemies’. in own house, that makes killing-conflicts with powerful neighbours in many ways.

He could not imagine or understand the reasons of Russia’s aggression timely. It is sure either he did not care or don’t have enough intelligence to catch real issues correctly. It seems Mr. Zelanskyy has a lack of leadership qualities. For a true leader, it was necessary to minimize the reasons somehow before starting any war or conflict. Being a good public speaker or award are not the aim of a president. Ensuring the country’s development and citizens’ life with balanced relationships are the main mission.

We agree or not, it becomes true now, Mr. Zelanskyy is a puppet of Western Goliath, who are making conflicts worldwide. Mr. Zelanskyy should stop his mouth, and campaign today and now for the sake of the country. Otherwise, the intensity of conflict may increase more. More suffering will come for his people.

Apparently, it seems he will not give up or compromise, but need. If it is necessary to resign from presidential power. ‘The step down’ of Mr. Zelanskyy from presidential power cool down the fire of crude reality. It may create a new form of effective dialogue. I am worried, Mr. Zelanskyy may not give up as he is now living in the ‘World of Illusion’.

We know, Russia is a superpower. They have fewer options to fall back. We agree or not, Russia will continue the war until the last for winning. Putin already has declared, they are ready to do atomic war. So this is sure Russia will not stop. Horrible things, for this war many more people may die, beautiful country ‘Ukraine’ may turn into a poor country like Iraq, Libya, Bosnia, Yemen, Afghanistan, etc.

For any reason, war is not good for humanity. I don’t appreciate Russia’s invasion. If we study the history of NATO and the USSR, we easily understand, there are many deep causes for Russia’s this invasion. I think, this war is not a cause, is a result of resentment, disagrement and misunderstanding. It is true, the disagreements widely were made as plans of NATO, the US, and Western Countries with certain objectives.

Anyway, the superiority of Puppet Zelenskyy may prolong the war and will lose more life and property. I am very worried about destruction.

We should not appreciate an entertainer like Ershid, Trump, Zelenskyy, etc in the presidential power of a country. They love to make their popularity, but not ‘Social and Common Good’. It has already proved Mr. Zelenskyy is good for making popularity, but not for making good of his national and citizen’s life. He may not imagine the result of conflicts. Still have a big vision to win.

In a nutshell, we can say, a puppet Zelenskyy’s regim did many jokes for a long time with Goliat Bear. He thought everything is a joke, nothing will happen but happening. Many people are dieing, losing their families and property now. Still, Zelenskyy is in stubborn. He should escape the ‘motivation of war’, needs to start a fully ‘non-violence’ procession.

Unpleasant truth, we cannot create a life of a person, even a president’s life. It seems many people, especially western people cannot understand this simple truth. Mr. Zelenskyy is the king of chess, but not a real king. In huge western media’s chaouse, we are looking only at the play of war, but can not be understanding the real players’ motivation. We need to see the wholistic ‘Play and Players’ together. Unless true judgement and global view for ‘Culture of Peace’ never will come.

A good family produces a good citizen.

A good family produces a good citizen.

Perilous conditions of society are the reflection of its family conditions. Among many unacceptable situations, crude realities- our children, our property even our lives are not safe from our relatives, friends and neighbours. In media, we regularly get unwanted news that are increasing anxieties.

We need to discover the real cause of suffering to protect ourselves from dangers. Not only in poor countries but also developed courtiers the sufferings are leading life and realities, with family breakdown, corruption, poverty, drug, sexual violence, juvenile crime, terrorism, STDs etc.

‘Good families produce good citizens and good society, bad families produce trouble citizens and troubled society.’ this is a proven truth. We can get hints of solution in this motto. Ultimately family values and traditions impact all spheres of life and society.

Everybody has a dream of the family for peace and happiness. This dream makes our development. In most cases, either consciously or incuriously we kill other peace and happiness for our ‘self-centeredness’. Sometimes we become irresponsible, however, lead an unethical life with self-justification.

In a wicked way, shortly we may get personal gain, but in large scale makes common suffering with degradation of human values.

This is true, ‘selfishness is the root of suffering and conflicts’. We need to overcome selfishness. Education in our family can make us selfless easily. If one person can learn and practice, ‘love and ethics’ truly in the family, he or she cannot be harmful to self and others, cannot be separated from others realities, will own to others’ realties.

Because of ignorance, fear of defeat, lack of confidence, a person commonly come defensive, however do self-justification. Whenever a person will not do self-justification and understand other realities, consider as part of own family’s realities, may quickly change position to common and social good.

In a nutshell, human society is in danger and fears. Divorce, single mothers, illegitimate children, child marriage, illicit love, girls’ pregnancy, suicide tendency, domestic violence, celibacy, less interest in family life, desperately breakdown family values are expressions of dangers and fears. Overcoming fear, anxiety and despair are becomes prime issues today. It is very needed to ameliorate the practice of family values unless the fearful sufferings will grow continuously.

My journey to a new camera.

My journey to a new camera.

My first EOS, 7D in Dhaka is almost dying. So I am going to buy a Panasonic 4K Television camcorder for documentary filmmaking.

In my experience, television cameras still are good, however, the price is less compared to that of EOS and mirrorless.

Light, small and powerful EOS is good both for video and photography. So I was keenly interested to use it. The most disadvantage of EOS and Mirrorless is the model and technology are upgrading and changing randomly and quickly. It kills my confidence in technology.

But in Japan, my mirrorless and EOS MarkIII are still good. I will use both as well.

My recent feeling Panasonic is perfect for videography.

Someday I will share more experiences on using Panasonic and Canon both.

Lata Mangeshkar! God has sung songs with her voice.

Lata Mangeshkar! God has sung songs with her voice.

The great Indian singer, ‘Lata Mangeshkar!’ ( 1929-2022, aged 92 ) sung over 60,000 popular songs since her girlhood. Most of her songs caught the heart of the audience for lovely expressions,

Although she was very famous, iconic in the music and film industry but did not show any fallen professional pride.

By the following celibacy, she expressed Godly devotion to the music as well. I could see an embodiment of saint-like ‘Ageless body, timeless mind’ in her personality.

I am not Indian, can not understand fully Hindi / Urdu language, but enjoyed her song since my childhood. I feel a heart connection to India on ‘One South Asia’ with her voice.
Love and pray for the peace of the great singer’s soul in the spiritual world.

Note: please watch Lata Jii’s biographical documentary at | #film #india #latamangeshkar #Lata #Mangeshkar

Nobel works, nobel farmers

Nobel works, nobel farmers

Farmers are the most important, creative and responsible people in the world. They are important more than a president of a country, founder of a religion, artist of world-famous art. Because we eat their lovely productions. Sometimes they give us the best crops and fruits from their field before their eating.

We can live without other things, but can not live without the contributions of farmers.

This photo I had taken in Sado during my afternoon walk. The husband was harvesting rice infield, the wife stood by for helping husbandman, as did the farmers in ancient times.

In this modern age Japanese farmers, widely use machines in agriculture but do not forget their traditions. They cultivate rice and crops with total heart and devotion. Sado’s farmers as more special, they don’t use chemicals and pesticides, which are harmful to Toki birds.

In Bangladesh like developing countries, day by day the use of machines is increasing in agriculture. But the wife does not help, as did in ancient times.

During harvesting, the Bangladeshi farmers mostly depend on the help of labourers. The women are almost absent in farming for Muslim dominancy culture. But some Adivasi, Hindu and Animist communities’ women do agricultural works