The Opinion Archives - Page 25 of 53 - Shahjahan Siraj
নিগাকুশিকি – জাপানে প্রথম স্কুলে যাওয়া রীতি

নিগাকুশিকি – জাপানে প্রথম স্কুলে যাওয়া রীতি

ছবিটি ‘নিগাকুশিকি’ ( Nyuugakushiki ) অথর্াৎ প্রথম স্কুলে যাওয়া , অনুষ্ঠানের । কন‍্যা ‘অানিকা’র অভিভাবক হিসাবে আমি স্বস্ত্রীক অনুষ্ঠানে অংশগ্রহন করেিছলাম। অনুষ্ঠানে েপাষাক-আষাক, আচার-আচরনে বুঝার উপায় নেই , কে ধনী, কে গরীব । সবাই সমান । ধনী-গরীর, সিন্তু-বৌদ্ধ, বণর্-ধমর্-গোত্রের উধ্বর্ে অনুষ্ঠান পিতা-মাতা, েছলে মেয়ে সবার সমান অংশ্রগহন ও মযর্াদা দেখে আমি েতা হতবাক! একটি পুঁজিবাদী দেশে, বিশাল অর্থনৈতিক ব‍্যাবধানে এটা িক করে সম্ভব?

জাপানে আসার পর থেকে – পুঁজিবাদী সমাজ সম্পকর্ে বাংলাদেশীয় ধারনাগুেলা বদলে যাচ্ছে!  অনেকগুেলা বছর বাস করে, বাস্তব-অভিজ্ঞতা থেকে এখন মনে হয়, মতবাদ বিষয় নয় , মুল বিষয় মানবাধীকার, আইনের শাসন ও সামাজিক ন‍্যায়‍্যতা! জাপান পুঁজিবাদী রাষ্ট্র হলেও এখানে পুঁুজি অথর্াৎ ধনের বা বিদ‍্যার কারণে কেউ বাড়তি সুবিধা পায় না!

ছেলেবেলা থেকে আমি বুঝে না বুঝে – পুঁজিবাদ বিেরাধী! সাম্রাজ‍্যবাদ, বিলাসী জীবন, বিশ্বব‍্যাংক, অতিমুনাফা এসব সম্পর্কিত  বিষয় গুেলা শুনলেই আমার মনটা অস্থির হয়ে যেত! মনে হত পুঁজিবাদই সব নষ্টের মুল! এজন‍্য ছেলেবেলা থেেকই ‘েসাভিয়েত ইউনিয়ন’ ও সমাজতন্ত্রের প্রতি ভালবাসা গড়ে উঠেছিল। মনে হত সাম‍্যবাদ প্রতিষ্ঠা করা গেলে বাংলাদেশের মত উন্নয়নশীল দেশের সুবিধাবঞ্চিত মানুষের সমস্ত সমস‍্যা সমাধান হয়ে যাবে। অনেকের মত েসাভিয়েত ইউনিয়ন ও সমাজতন্ত্রের পতনের পর কষ্ট পেয়ে ছিলাম!  গনতন্ত্রের নামে পুঁিজবাদের জয় দেখে, পশ্চিমা বিশ্ব নিয়ে আগ্রহী হয়ে উঠেছি। যতই দিন যাচ্ছে পুঁজিবাদ সম্পর্ক আমার পূর্বধারনা ও সংস্কারগুেলা দিন দিন বদলে যাচ্ছে! এখন মনে হয় – পুঁজিবাদ বা সমাজতন্ত্র সমস‍্যা নয়, স্বার্থপরতাই সকল অনষ্টের মুল! প্রকৃতপক্ষে মানবাধীকার নিশ্চিত করা গেলে, সকল মতবাদেই শান্তি প্রতিষ্ঠা করা সম্ভব। তবে মানবাধীকার ও গণতন্ত্র চচ্চার্ সবচেয়ে সহজ পন্থা।

Power of education

Power of education

Only education can change the world! I love to see the senses that all girls go to school. One day girls will be conscious mothers and will change the world; through good education to their sons and daughters! The change will start from life and family! Good family can make easily good society and good nation! Lets unite for education and make good future! ..
“Unity saving the people, unity saving the nation… “

Book and library culture in Japan

Book and library culture in Japan

Digital technology could not kick out the book and library culture in Japan. Every area has public library with city network! The shops, clinic, restaurant even barbershop book book corner and small library at least! As like as other children my son Koronetto also likes regular reading and library work.

As a digital culture’s practitioner, before come in Japan; I was proud and felt good on digital technology. I thought, I would be able to read all books, as I need easily over Internet. I always search good books in net, even 1% also not available in web! Most of books cover page only available in Internet! I am disappointed on the limitations of new media. The speak must , but act less! With huge distribution power – the social media makes shallowness in knowledge culture, intelligence, and innovations. Most of Internet use cannot make time to read basic things although whole day swim in web.

In Japan, copyright very strong and active. People does not love piracy! However they  show respect to rights of writers and business of publishers along with reading. I tried to discover the real motif of Japanese internet use. Most of people use it as communication and business tool, not as emotional platform. The use newmedia just like a upgrade version of oldmedia.

In my boyhood, I loved to read in library. Every afternoon at least 1-2 hours I spent in library on extra curriculum books-reading which help me to develop myself easily! I regret,  Internet robbed my book-reading habits for last 14 years. Now I am trying to restore my lovely reading habit. I encourage my son to read printed books, than digital at net! He agrees and loves to read regularly.

Lee’s leadership

Lee’s leadership

Thanks to Lee for his great contribution to Singapore. You have proved one person can change a nation! My love and pray for your peace in spiritual world…

‘One Nation Under Lee’ is a critic documentary made by my  Singaporian activist film maker! He was jailed several times for his media activism for saying against Lee family! My friends criticized strongly like a Bangladeshi blind oppositions…!

I asked my friends in Malaysia after his film screening, “why are you criticized strongly? As I know did good jobs for majority’s life style, economic and  security development; for which we are still fighting in Bangladesh!…”He could not give proper answer! He just said – “I am not happy with the dominance and autocracy of Lee Family, although they are doing good jobs!  …”

After knowing my friends views, I read the history of Singapore and Lee’s role in development. I was surprised on hid devotions! Of course, Lee may did some mistakes as did not permit ‘Open Democracy’, but mostly did good jobs for nation and majority peoples happiness. I appreciate his excellent efforts and strong leadership for common good. I am looking Lee like leader for Bangladesh’s development.

Photo source:

Sotuensiki – primary education in Japan

Sotuensiki – primary education in Japan

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Education in Japan. ( Source:

My daughter Anika has received 6 years’ graduation (卒園式 Sotuensiki ) from Kanie kindergarten ( hoikuen) today. From April she will enter junior high school in Sado. She is very glad, but miss love of hikuen teachers and friends. For that, she was crying when we have said about new school.

I like Japanese education system as it prefer and give highest priority to character education, learning with joy and life skill development. There is no pass-fail issues. All students must be passed! Teacher and children together make efforts for children education.


Experiences of 2015

March is the month of class/ school in Japan. The closing of nursery ( Hoieken/ Hoiekshow 保育所) school during six age of children known as ‘Shomaski Shogakko’ ( Sotuensiki/ Shogakko ). It is the first phase of Japanese education. After this Sotuensiki event the children enter in junior school. In the closing event all student of school and parents, specially mother join.

I produced this Sotuensiki video in the event of Kanie Shogakko ( kindergarten) . The children received certificate. They performs testimonies and thanks teacher, parents and friends with song and music. The ‘Shomaski Shogakko’ event creates emotional environment during thanks giving. Some teachers and students cry for separation. Japanese teacher love and take care the students in Hoieken like own babies. The headmaster delivers speech with advices for next phase of education. To overcome emotions, after closing also children go to school.

In Japan 100% children ( except serious disable ) go to school, but primary education not free like Bangladesh. Parents have to pay proportional to their income from 6,000 ~ 30,000 yen per month.

My daughter ‘Anika’ has finished ‘Hoieken’ this year. From April she will go to new school ‘Kanie Junior’ (佐渡市立金井小学校) by walking herself. My wife made rule, I must have to bring youngest son ‘Koon’ in Hoiken by walking. This is my exercise. No car will be used from April to bring children in school! I am silence but not worried to walk, as April is the month of Sakuara. I will be able observe every morning the beauty of ‘Cherry Blossom’.

Sotuensiki is known as the closing ceremony of 1st phase primary education in Japan as well.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

Growing without knowing

Growing without knowing

My consciousness sparked while I has captured the smiles of these street children. I saw the face of my daughter on their mug! During taking photographs of ‘Shapla flower’ ( water lily ) in Dhanmondi lake, they were moving behind me. When I has asked, do you want to take photo?. Without answering, they smiled and posed. Still I remember that moment! My daughter is growing in Japan with care and enjoying rights, but they cannot like millions of children of developing countries. They are growing without knowing the life, rights, and world. Today and now, the parents and states should give high priority to children, unless change and development never will appear truly!