The Opinion Archives - Page 23 of 53 - Shahjahan Siraj
Eyes of Takashi Amano

Eyes of Takashi Amano

Takashi Amano (天野尚 1954-1915) is one of my favorite Japanese photographers. I was impressed to read his great book ‘Sado – To Pristine Forest from Bottom of Sea’ and ‘Beautiful Niigata’. His great photography has inspired me to be a ‘geological photographer’. Last 5 August he has passed way suddenly. I was shocked to hear the news. Along with photographer, he was a designer and aquarist as well. I love his creative work and public motivations on media-art. He did photography from deep sea to sky. Good eyes, good views – I will not forget him. Best wishes for his peace in spiritual world.

More information at:

সুখী দম্পতি

স্বামী – স্ত্রী’র পছন্দ গুলো লালন করলে, এবং স্ত্রী- স্বামী’র পছন্দ গুলো চোখবুঝে পালন করলে; ৭০% — সমস‍্যার সহজ সমাধান হয়ে যায়। আমার বিয়ের সময় জাপানী ঘটক মশাই – এমনই ছবক দিয়ে ছিলেন। যখনই আমি এ সহজ-সুত্রের বাহিরে গেছি, ঝামেলায় পড়ে গেছি। স্বামী- স্ত্রী’র ভিন্নমত হতেই পারে। যখন ভিন্নমত বা অনাঙ্কিত ভিন্ন ঘটনা ঘটে, তৎক্ষনাৎ তা স্বীকার করে দুঃখিত বলা – যুদ্ধ থামানোর সবচেয়ে সহজ কৌশল। ইহা শান্তিতে থাকা, সবাইকে শান্তিতে রাখার মহাষৌধ।…বাঙালী ছেলেরা ‘ভুল স্বীকার ও দুঃখিত’ না বলতে সুদক্ষ ও গোরা! এমনকি স্ত্রী’র সঠিক অবস্থানের জন‍্য, ‘ধন‍্যবাদ’ না দিতে ওস্তাদ! আমি মনে করি, ওস্তাদ – ওস্তাদি না দেখালে কিন্তু ওস্তাদি থাকে! আজও আমি ওস্তাদি না দেখানোর পক্ষে…অনেকদিন আগের কথা, মালা বদলের আগে, আমাদের মাঝে পছন্দ-অপছন্দের তালিকা বদল হয়েছিল। সেই দিনের অনবদ‍্য সুখদ অভিজ্ঞতা কখনও ভুলব না!…




Tanabata (七夕) is a Japanese star festival. It is known as a Japanese Valentine day as well. The festival generally has been celebrated on the 07 July of every year. It is a popular culture and widely celebrated in the school in Japan. The Milky Way has separated the common story, lover ‘Orihime’ and ‘Hikoboshi’ (represented by the stars Vega and Altair respectively). They can meet only once a year in the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. This meeting day is known as ‘ Tanabata’ in Japan.

The ‘Tanabata’ is widely celebrated in the elementary school and in the house where has children by ornamenting bamboo branch with papercrafts. The schools arrange an event on the Tanabata and ornament ‘bamboo trees’ with paper craft and design like star and sky. (similar to Christmas Tree). In the event, parents attend in school and together with children make crafts and paper design. There is believed, in the craft if children write their desire – it will be full-filled in the Tanabata day. So all children write their wishes in the paper. Although the actual day of Tanabata is 7th July, the school started to make ‘Tanabata Tree’ from 1 July. The teachers also read the ‘folk story’ on the Tanabata in front of students and parents.

‘Tanabata’ ( 七夕 ) // জাপানি তাঁরা উৎসব! ২০১৭

‘Tanabata’ has been celebrating in Japan today. It is known as ‘Japanese Star Festival’, however ‘Japanese Valinetime Day’. In this day two star in sky united with the affection of romantic love.

আজ জাপানে তানাবাতা, যাকে বাংলায় বলা যেতে পারে ‘তারা উৎসব’! এ দিবসটি ভালবাসা দিবস হিসাবেও পরিচিত! জাপানি মিথ – এই দিনে রুমান্টিক ভালোবাসায় সিক্ত ‘তারা যুগলের মিলন দিবস.



Tsuburosashi ( つぶろさし ) is an unique dance with beat of Zenidaiko ( 銭太鼓 , Money Tambour/ Zeni Coins), the ancient instrument. it is a popular culture and performing art in Sado since 16th century, particularly in Hamochi (佐渡島, 日本, セックスダンス).

I was surprised to see this excellent performance in Hamochi festival on 2013 and 28 June 2005 at Hamochi Osen reopening festival.

The history and myth of this folk is unknown and abstract. Literally ‘Tsuburo’ means phallus (penis) and ‘sashi’ (sasu) means “to insert/put’. ‘Sashi’ refers also to rubbing a ritual prayer for fertility for the fields and the families. It express the message – by inserting phallus a women become progeny, and by seeding good harvest come out.

Local people say- The origin of Tsuburosashi is Kyoto. A messenger was sent from village to ancient capital Kyoto to learn tea ceremony. He saw ‘Tsuburosashi’ similar dance in Kyoto Gion festival and introduced to village after return. Later it was picked up by the local Shinto shrines during annual festival to pray for good rice harvest from limited seed.

In the Tsuburosashi performance, generally three characters wear masks and perform dance. A fat-faced woman ( Sasarasuri ささらすり) with little bamboo stick, a hemp coif face-covered hideous woman and a man holding the tsuburosashi (Phallus). They hop around and women rub sticks.

Because of penis presentation, many people say, it is a sex dance. I think it is a fidelity dance liked with good harvest and good lineage creation. The performance inherits the ‘glory of sex’ that could be explained beyond irritation and fallen desire, for a fruitful family and desired harvest.

My report on Oni Daiko in ZoominTV

My video report on Oni-Daiko ( Demon Dance ) has been published in ZoominTV, The Netherlands. Sado is the land of ‘Onidaiko’ that is Demon Dance with Japanese drum’s beats. This is one of the common features of Sado popular culture. Whereas worldwide demon that is evil spirit has been considered as negative force. But Sado people believe reversely. They believe, if evil spirit becomes happy and permit, the good fortune comes easily. So regularly, Sado people arranged Oni-daiko performance. There are around 120-demon dram group in Sado. In these performing arts, the performers wear the dress like monster. Oni-daiko is practicing in Sado for over 500 years as popular culture stuff.

Source link:!v/686505

Rabbits of Choukokuji Temple

Rabbits of Choukokuji Temple

I went to visit historical ‘Choukokuji Buddhist Temple’ with tourist group to learn the cultural history of Sado, and to collect footage for making web documentary! I am surprised to see the pray-places for major religions’ believers including Islam inside temple. The monk is more than 70  years old but still young. He delivered lecture on ‘to be lifelong young’ with smiling face. He highlighted the issue focused on ‘Ageless body, timeless mind ‘. In the beginning of lecture, Monk rake-out a ‘Rabbit’ from his pocket and said, ‘Many children born in my Rabbit family this year’. I cannot take care them for short of time and money. Lovely Rabbits will be happy if you bring in your family! Hope along with rabbit, God’s love, and good fortune will go to your family.