The Opinion Archives - Page 2 of 53 - Shahjahan Siraj
Sizer is now a German farmer

Sizer is now a German farmer

Sizer is my friend since 1996. In the pre-internet era, we had dreams of being ideal farmers like the Japanese philosopher ‘Masanobu Fukuoka’. ( 福岡 正信, 1913 – 2008 )

You may know Fukuoka was a world-famous Japanese farmer for his unique work in natural farming and philosophy. ‘One Straw Revolution.’ is his heart-touch inspiring book.

Sizer experimented with regenerative agriculture in Mankgong, and I did in Takurgaon.

We could not continue agriculture and be successful as we did not have basic money and land at that time. We were misused in many ways. At last, we were evicted from the land and opportunities because the owner and host NGO were not happy with our alternative works, views, and lifestyle.

After Seizer’s migration to Germany and mine to Japan, we became farmers along with professionals. We are both now living in villages. We are doing organic cultivation.

Despite the fact that our efforts are small in scale, they provide enormous peace and happiness, because we can produce some of our own food.

However, we both love to lead a philosophical life as much as possible, which we looked at in our young time.

I am glad—Sizer leads a good life with his two children and beautiful wife in a German village, and I live with my three children and Kawai Japanese in Niibo Village of Sado Island. We are both happy with civilized, natural living. Yes, it is possible to lead a civilized life, if we can organize modern facilities and motivations beyond the prejudices of busy, noisy cities.

Donation and volunteerism : A review on ’cause and effect’, ‘use and misuse’ of donation.

Over donation is – ‘Behind the Story of the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Japanese former prime Minster by Yama Gami. In this video, you will get encouragement, caution, and, awareness tips for proper use of donation and volunteerism. Shahjahan Siraj says openly about the issues with his personal experiences and view on ‘Donaiton and Volunteerism.’

Donation and volunteerism are the most Nobel works in this world. Around the world, all good works happen. Many countries become independent,

many injustices disappear from this world through the activities of the volunteers. But if we observe around the world, especially the activities of the denominations, and religions,
Most of the persons, most of the Isms misuse volunteerism and donation. Because of these followers, the love seeker, the peace seekers, they become at last losers, and the founders of Isms become rich, rich, and rich, sometimes billionaires.

So before becoming a full-time volunteer, or donating, of course we need to think- about our family.

By disrupting ( family values ), destroying (family), making the short of money for leading the family life,

We should not donate our everything. We should not donate our labour, we should not be a full-time member abnormally. If we do it emotionally without any
questions, without understanding the consequences, we may suffer. The suffering will be very crude sometime. Our family sometimes will break down, Our children will lose track of love. We will also face many types of suffering.

Because without money, without property, without position,

We can not lead a good life. So before any Isms, any religions, we should be careful.

Of course, we can give donations logical way, for logical purposes, But should not donate everything. If we observe the life of a religious leader, Ism’s founder, we can understand the motive, purpose, and trends of that Ism. They always say they don’t have money! But they lead a life like a king, like a heavenly being. This is a very abnormal way. They always encourage to donate

For public purposes, but use private purposes. They always encourage and inspire to donate for the public good, and social good.

But they don’t use that money for that purpose. This is one kind of cheating!
A cheater never can be a religious leader, peacemaker or social leader.
They are criminals. So about donations whenever we will see some founder very proud,

very arrogant, very rich, very abnormal way rich, and lead life, we need to understand (the reality). Otherwise, even though they will say good things, even though they will show heavenly life in this early world, actually – they are doing it for their own benefits. So we need to always analyse. we need to always investigate before following any Isms.

My personal request, of course, we have personal opinions, personal support,
To a religious, political or some kind of group, we should not do everything for them.
First, we need to think about our family life, children’s life and future.
Personally, about donation and volunteerism, I have a sad experience, a very bad experience. After my ( university ) education, I was motivated by a social movement. I tried to be a

activist like Mahatma Gandhi. So I did not join the government job, and I did not make my professional career.

When I severely suffer without (basic) money. After five years of working without a salary, after that I understood, donation, of course, is necessary, but donation sometime makes losers us. Thinking about others, saving others, loving others and understanding others,

is the motto of all good movements. So I request- not only to the donors, not only to the supporters,

the religious leaders also should be objective about receiving the donation. Otherwise the value of the movement, which means, peace and happiness will destroy by our society.

Family First

Truth Talking on Family Values and Practices
Family is the first and last place of life. We are born, grow, live, love and die in our family. It is the unit of society. We can not deny the family. Whenever someone refuses family, hir or her life becomes full of suffering instead of love.

This s a ‘Truth Talking’ short lecture by shahjahan Siraj, where he has explored Family Values and aspects of family.


What is freedom? A philosophical view and new definition.
Freedom is one of the ultimate desires of human beings. We are all looking for freedom, peace, and happiness in the share of our life.

‘Freedom means the accomplishment of responsibilities.

This philosophical view and definition of Shahjahan Siraj, guide you to achieve freedom in your life.


Root cause of suffering – Meditation in nature for peace and happiness

Everybody, even criminal don’t want to practice selfishness. Everybody wants to want to make good efforts for peace and happiness. But we are practising consciously and unconsciously, anti-altruistic emotion, and selfishness with self-justification. In the way, we are suffering for your subjective practices and making suffering for others as well. We need to make good efforts for overcoming selfishness in all spheres of life.

Awareness and Concentration

Concentration and awareness are two psychological and spiritual two activities. It seems both are same, but not. Motivationally these two are fully opposite, however make opposite result.

Concentration is mechanical, and awareness is natural and spiritual aspects. Concentration gives us visible success, mostly for short time peace and happiness. But the awareness gives us everlasting peace and happiness, are linked with universal realities.