The Opinion Archives - Page 11 of 53 - Shahjahan Siraj
Golden Dream // সোনালীর সোনালী স্বপ্ন

Golden Dream // সোনালীর সোনালী স্বপ্ন

Ruma Parvin ( Sonali), a teacher of Al-Fallah pre-primary school in Geneva camp, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Her school room very small with 8 square feet size only, but having the big vision to save the children from child labor, street (tokaigiri), poverty, however from the curse of ‘By born refugee’ by educating them. In person, she also is a camp dweller ( so-called stagnant Pakistani in Bangladesh ) but has made social position through education, however, fight to get own by born citizen rights.
Ms. Sonali has given an interview for our upcoming documentary, “By Born Refugee”.
New Hope

New Hope

“Hope and determination make development”

Sabbir (7), a stranded Pakistani refugee boy lives in slum-like Geneva camp. He goes to Shurovi slum-school; and determined not to be a child labor like elder brother ‘Redoie’ (12), who works in a restaurant as a servant. His father is a barber, everyday struggles with poverty social dignity as by born Bangladeshi.

Sabbir’s mother appreciates his vision to be an educated person. As the family does not have economic solvency, mother advised him to rare goats for earning something a preparation for entering in high school. Sabbir takes care and loves the goats like the family member. He is moving forward with the hope to enlight the future with the light of education.

ভালোবাসা কারে কয়?

ভালোবাসা কারে কয়?

বাংলায় ভালোবাসা মানেই রুমান্টিকতাকে বুঝনোর চেষ্টা করার হয়, যা আমি একেবারেই মানতে রাজি নই। স্কুলে পড়া কালে আমি আমার এক বন্ধুুকে জিজ্ঞাসা করেছিলাম,
– দোস্ত ভালোবাসা বলতে কি বুঝ?
সে বলেছিল,
– শরমের ব‍্যাপার!…

সেই সময় থেকেই আমার শরমের সূচনা! এমন শরম পেতাম, বিশ্ববিদ‍্যালয় পর্যন্ত মৌওলনা স‍্যারের পরামর্শের প্রিজোডিস ছিল! বুক ধরফরানি ভয় ছিল! ভালোবাসা তো দূরের কথা – নারীর দিকে তাকাতেও চাইতাম না! মানুষ হয়ে মানুষকে এড়িয়ে চলার কষ্ট, অবদমন বড়ই পীড়াদায়ক!

প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর পর্বে, এখন দেখি, ঘটনার ভিতর অনেক ঘটনা! পনর শতাব্দীর শিল্পীদের মত চোখ যায়, আদম-হওয়ার বিশেষ অঙ্গের দিকে! গন্দমের রহস‍্য খুঁজে! উনার যদি মুখ দিয়েই গন্দম খেত- তয় উপরে না ধরে নীচে ঢাকলো ক‍েন?…

যাইহোক যৌবনের আচারগুলো নিয়ে আমি মাঝে মাঝে গবেষনা করি! ছোটবেলা থেকেই স্বভাবে আমি লাজুক হলেও । জননবিদ‍্যার প্রতি আমার বিশেষ আগ্রহ ছিল। আর এই কারণেই জীব বিজ্ঞান হয়ে উঠেছিল আমার প্রিয় বিষয়। আনন্দের সঙ্গে পড়তাম! সবসময়ই প্রথম হতাম, প্রচুর নম্বর পেতাম!

ভালোবাসাকে যারা পাপ মনে করে, যারা শরীরি কাম মনে করে, তাদের প্রতি আমার কথা, “তোমরা ভালোবাসা বুঝ না…”

আলোর দিশারী // Light of the Light

আলোর দিশারী // Light of the Light

– Street photography experience in Japan and Bangladesh.
During return from Dhaka to Sado home, I met this woman on the ship. While I was asking permission to take a portrait, I thought, I will get the common answer, “Hajukashi..( I feel shy), Dame, Dame (please don’t take)..”. But this woman cordially agreed like a Bangladeshi. I captured quickly few shots for my ‘Japan Portrait’ series.
During photographing her, I felt huge miracle light was coming from the window which I never imagined! I was surprised to see, sea waves’ reflection in her eyes. After taking the photo, I talked with her for a moment, she was smiling like a baby. I got a touch of love in my deep heart.
To take the portrait of an unknown person in Japan is not well accepted. By law, it has been prohibited in Japan after some misses. Before photographing, taking permission becomes a social norm in Japan. Because of this, recently the street photography in Japan becomes complex. Professional photographer, media, TV, even Google street view make uncleared of the street people face.
The reality of street photography of Bangladesh and Japan almost opposite. While Japanese don’t like, Bangladeshi welcome to take photos with smiling faces.


The bevy of seagulls flies together with moving ship during travel from Sado Island to mainland Japan. The travelers pass leisure time by playing and giving food the birds. As the response, the birds also show flying performances while catching the food, that creates happiness and enjoyable journey with loving, serving and understanding each other.

I was excited to the photograph of unity moment of bird and human during caught potato chips. The traveler was very happy by meeting with birds many times.

This is a common scene of Sado sea travel.

Unity/ 16 August 2016

Power of Culture

Power of Culture

‘Power of Culture, – Bangladeshi spirit’ is one of my important web work which was designed jointly with Alfred Marseille and Marieke van der Velden on 2002.
Alfred and Marieke are designers and artist lovely couple from the Netherlands. They do media, culture and art activities many countries. I like their artworks and personalities. By working intimately, they become my friend.
Since the web’s growing period, the spirit gallery showcases Bangladeshi art and cultural values in online. We organized a workshop as well in Pathshala. Many photographers contributed their nice photographs in this project.
During this project, I got the opportunity to work closely many famous artists and organizations of Bangladesh particularly with Alam bhai ( Shahidul Alam ) and Rahnuma apa. I learned many creative web techniques and philosophical views, especially from Alfred. I was deeply motivated by this project, particularly on ‘culture and development’ issues which still remain.
Alfred and Marique run Zeezeilen ( in Amsterdam.
Website of ‘Bangladeshi Spirit’ still alive in online.…/speci…/bangladesh/spirit.html