The Opinion Archives - Shahjahan Siraj
এ.আই এর সঙ্গে মরণদৌড়!

এ.আই এর সঙ্গে মরণদৌড়!

কবি শুদ্ধের ভাষ‍্য – আমি আর্টিফেসিয়াল ইন্টিলেজেন্স (‘এআই’), মেশিন আর অনলাইন রোবটের সঙ্গে দৌড় দিয়ে আর পারি না। তারা হাজার হাত-পা-মুখ নিয়ে এক সঙ্গে দৌড়ায়। ওরা দানব, আর আমি মানব! আমি ক্লান্ত, আমি তার সঙ্গে যোগাযোগ করে আর পারি না, আমি মুক্তি চাই! এক যুগ পর বুঝলাম- আমি এতদিন মানসিক ভাবে প্রতিবন্ধী ছিলাম। সব পাবার ও থাকার পরও মনে হতো , আমি সর্বহারা!”
কবি শুদ্ধের আক্ষেপ শুনে মহামতি বলেন,
– হঠাৎ কেন তোমার এমনটা মনে হলো?
কবি শুদ্ধ বলে,
– সে‍্যাসাল মিডিয়াতে সামাজিকতা, লে-ঠেলা। অসমাজিকতাই এই মিডিয়ার ধর্ম। একে অনে‍্যর বেসিক ভালো চায় না, হিংসা-ক্ষোভ, দুঃখ-করুণায় ভরপুর। অনলাইনে লক্ষ‍ মানুষের সঙ্গে নিজেকে তুলনা করে আমি অশান্ত ও অসুখী ছিলাম। আমাকে সব সময় অসন্তুষ্টির বন‍্যা ভাসিয়ে রাখতো। সোস‍্যাল মিডিয়াতে যখন কারো উন্নতি ও হাসিখুশি মুখ দেখতাম, মনে হতে সে কেন আমার চেয়ে বেশী সুখি হবে, সে কেন এত সফলতা পাবে? এ’সবই তো আমার পাওনা।
– তাই নাকি? তাহলে তো তুমি অন‍্যজগতে ছিলে!
এ’কথা বলে মহামতি অট্টহাসিতে হাসে
– এবার বুঝেছ, কেন অনে‍্যর সঙ্গে তুলনা করতে মানা করি? তুলনা হলো হুকের মত, একটার পর একটা অঘটন ঘটায়। তাই তুলনা না করাই শ্রেয়?
– এখন তো থেকেছে, কয়েকদিন পর তো আবার অসুরের মাথার মত আবার কলাঙ্গারটি গজাবে, তখন কি করবো?
– সহজ পথ হলে, এটা মেনে নেয়। তুমি ইউনিক, কারো চেয়ে ছোট না, কারো চেয়ে বড় না। তুমি অমৃতার সন্তান। যাকে চাও, সে তোমার ভিতরে আছে ও থাকবে।
– এগুলো তো তত্ত্ব কথা।
– তত্ত্বই তো তথ‍্য হয়, যখন তা ভালোবাসার সাথে পালিত হয়।
– বুঝলাম। আরেকটি মহাভুল করে সময় নষ্ট করেছি মহামতি।
– কি ভুল?
– নিজেকে একেবারেই সময় দেইনি। গত এক যুগ, একদিনের জন‍্য নীরবতা পালন করে নিজের পথ যাচাই করিনি। সব সময় অন‍্যকে বদলানোর চেষ্টা অমূল‍্য সময় ও সম্ভবান নষ্ট করেছি।
– ঠিক ধরেছে। পৃথিবীতে সবচেয়ে কঠিন কাজ হলো অন‍্যকে বদলানো। আর সবচেয়ে সহজ কাজ হলো, নিজেকে বদলানো। পৃথিবীর অধিকাংশ মানুষ সহজ কাজটি রেখে, কঠিন কাজে অতি মনোযোগী!
– জি মহামতি, আমি দিকভ্রান্ত ছিলাম।
– আমি সব করবো, আমি সব পারবো, সব কাজ আমার, সব সফলতা আমার – এমন স্বার্থপর চিন্তা শান্তি দেয় না! সুখ দেয়া। ব‍্যক্তিকে মিথ‍্যা ও কল্পনায় মোহগ্রস্থ করে রাখে, তিলেতিলে বিনাশ করে, কষ্ট দেয়।
– তাহলে কি করার?
– কিছুই করিও না, বর্তমানে থাকো। প্রতিটি মুহুর্ত, প্রতিটি বাস্তবতা মেনে নিয়ে এনজয় কর, তাহলেই হবে!
– বুঝেছি, তবে কাজটি সহজ মনে হলেও সহজ নয়।
– শুরু কর, সহজ হয়ে যাবে। আমার পরামর্শ – নিজেকে সময় দিলে। নিজের ১০০টি কাজ থেকে সঠিক কাজটি বাছাই করে, ফলাফল আশা না করে- নিষ্কাম কর্ম করলে শান্তি পাওয়া যায় ও যাবেই।
– তথাস্তু মহামতি।

Japanese Baby Marriage: Pakistani Lily Vs Japanese Kawaii

Japanese Baby Marriage: Pakistani Lily Vs Japanese Kawaii

結婚: パキスタン人対日本人!!
At Narita Airport, during my trip to Dhaka, I met a Pakistani man. He was going to Karachi via Bangkok to meet his wife. He was very handsome. I was asking about his 13 years of experience in Japan.
In the open talk, I asked.
– Brother, you are attractive, many Japanese girls may like you very much, right?”
– Yes? They like.
– So, why did you not marry a Kawaii Japanese?
He smiled at my question and laughed.
– Yes, a number of Japanese girls are like me. They are cute, gentle, and modest, but not rich! They don’t want to give or take from others, very static in a relationship! There is no smooth give-and-take relationship.
– Have you married a Japanese?
– Yes, I did. I enjoy a good life with Japanese views and opinions.
Surprisingly he said,
– You have big power to manage! A Japanese wife is good at smiling like a BABY. but it is very difficult to manage without agreeing with them. I feel they don’t agree with others’ views. So I married a Lilly in my country. She is poor but understands me. I have always been loved and attracted by my wife.
– Yes, if Pakistan agreed and loved Bangladesh like your Lilly, we may still be one country.
‘It’s Raining’  – Candian Pandemic Fund and Asian Minds

‘It’s Raining’ – Candian Pandemic Fund and Asian Minds

(Canadian Public Story and Trudeaus’ Policy )
– এমন শাসক কবে গো হবে সৃজন, এশিয়াতে…

The common trends of western countries are imperialism, capitalism, media hegemony, ‘mastan-like’ self-justification, showing subjective superiority, and making slavery in different forms,. So I don’t like the western countries’ global policies and cultures.

Although the West are doing good jobs in science and technology, war, and pornography, I don’t care about their focus points in branding and global business; as they love to make hidden tricks and divisions in humankind.

Good news, after a long time, my stone-like resentment against the West has been melted like ice cream by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. He is the hero of my change.

I appreciate very much Trudeaus’ motivation in his “rainy day fund” initiative. His public voice touched my heart. During the COVID-19 pandemic. He unexpectedly approved and spent a lot of money on public benefits by delivering inspirational words and cash dollars. Despite the huge national debates, he did not stop providing cash assistance to the general Canadian population.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that Canada had always kept a “rainy day fund.” …” it’s raining” right now. This is the time of spending, and that is what we are doing.

Although Canada is a G7 country but is not rich compared to Japan. Moreover, there are many rich counties in the middle east and Asia. None of them for Asia helped the people like Trudeau and Canada. I understand Bangladesh has funding and resource limitations, but what about Japan, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, etc.?

Japan is still ‘World’s number 3 richest ‘ county but helped the people very little. Each Japanese receives pandemic aid only an average of 2000 dolor, ( equivalent to the amount of a month’s cost for a lower-middle-class family); whereas a Canadian citizen has received over 60000+ dolor, and a soft loan for continuing their business.

I thought, in a performance race, Saudi ironman “Rich Salman’ would do something better than Trudeau. But he remained silent to help the people.

I asked my Canadian friend, who lives in Canada, about how the Canadian government helps people. He said –

“Asian leaders still cannot change their rule positions. It seems they feel, they are not servent, but masters. They can not see the people’s worse realities through public eyes. Asian countries love to use their citizens for tax revenue generation, but they are not eager to help their people like Trudeau. I appreciate the Canadians’ motivation – the state’s money is for the people, and for helping in emergency crises, not for lazy saving or ruling. The Asian states should change their position 180 degrees by understanding the public mind for serving people truly.

Related link:’

Who am I? – Meeting yourself

Who am I? If you want to enjoy your life truly, there is no alternative to meeting yourself. The best practices for an eternal meeting is, everyday at least follow one or two times become completely silence, however talking listen and take care the self.

Who am I? This is a very basic and simple question. Everybody in this world at least one time ask, but most people can not understand the answer. Because the answer is remaining within us (inside), but we look outside. We look at the scripture, we look at philosophy, we look at great books, and famous persons’ experiences and opinions.

But mostly we don’t make the effort and time, to search whinin ourselves. There are many good stories and opinions.

Many idealistic philosophers said a very intelligent person lives within us, inside everybody’s mind. Many philosophers said the human being is a holy temple (living temple). In this temple lives a very intelligent person. Because of busyness, because of too much concentration on money, property, and fame (power position), we can not make time and effort to meet the intelligent person.

This person has no limitations and lives inside the mind and heart of everybody. Some philosopher describes this intelligent person as a ‘Tiny God’, as a point of incarnation, and as connecting to God.

But as we can not make time to meet with this intelligent person, we miss the opportunities. Everybody needs to meet with an intelligent person at least one or two times a day. Otherwise, the human mind becomes unrest and becomes the victim of loneliness and ‘lack of love. If you don’t meet with this person, not only you, but this intelligent person also will suffer. In this way, human beings consciously or unconsciously become victims of suffering, victims of sadness.

So how we can meet this person? We need to give time to ourselves. we need to talk with this intelligent person in silence. When we become completely silent in a quiet place, separated from early life, and talk with ourselves, we can meet this person.

This is the very very holy, and very very divine meeting. To meet with the divine person, we no need to invest any money, any property, or anything, just need our interest. If we are interested we can get enormous peace and happiness by meeting with the person.

For meeting with the intelligent person, you no need to do strong meditation, you no need to do serious prayer, and you no need to be a saint or clothless (nude) guru. you can be an incarnation of this person within your decision.

I am sure if you really want within a minute, you can meet the person anytime. You can get the peace and happiness which you are desiring every moment.

In this short video, you will get some information and encouragement on ‘Meeting with Yourself’.

Spirituality and rituality – Which one is good for peace and happiness ?

Spirituality and rituality are not the same things, sometimes moving in the opposite direction. Most people in this world feel that spirituality and rituality are almost synonymous, but they are not. What is the difference between spirituality and rituality? What exactly does it mean to be spiritual or ritualistic?

From this short talk, you will get a clue as to what is good for your peace and happiness in life. My observation is that spiritual people don’t have any borders, but ritual people do, which creates barriers in the peace tour and life journey.

We are all believers—these two terms are the same, synonyms of each other, but actually not. My personal experience and opinion are that spirituality and rituality are antonyms. These are completely different things.

A religious person sometimes can be spiritual, and sometimes can not. But spiritual people are not bound to be religious people. Without following any kind of certain ism, a certain religion, or certain customs you can be spiritual. But without the following ritual,, you can not be a ritual (religious) person.

Ritual is a very dangerous thing. Sometimes ritual creates everyday habits, limitations, and boundaries. If someone follows our ritual and agrees with us, we (become happy) love them. But if don’t agree with us, then we start to hate. This is the main limitation of ritual. But a spiritual person always moves with a global mind and global realities, and follows the ‘True Love’. Such types of persons don’t have limitations of gender, no limitation of ism, no limitations of nationalities, and always move with the global realities (norms), and enjoy the life as global journey. But ritualists can not think or lead a life beyond their ism and philosophy. And sometimes they hate other people with the direction of their founder (leader). This is a very dangerous thing.

If we analyze the global history, we understand – there are many kinds of war, conflict and deviation happened for ritualities. Spiritual persons generally don’t do war, don’t make conflict, and don’t divide. They appreciate very much the unity, love, serve, and understanding of others. Even though different opinion, even though different ism, completely different things, (real) spirual person generally don’t hate. My personal opinion I agree with the global mind, and global spirituality, which we face every day in our daily life in our nature. Nature is actually the expression of God’s heart; nature is the expression of real spirituality. If one becomes a really spiritual person s/he becomes really a peaceful being, a happy being beyond all kinds of ritual limitations.

Upgrade  – CANON To FUJIFILM X-T4 Mirrorless

Upgrade – CANON To FUJIFILM X-T4 Mirrorless

After over ten years of using Canon EOS 7D, EOS M, and EOS 5D Mark III cameras, I’m going to purchase a Fujifilm X-T4 for the Dhaka studio.

The Fujifilm X-T4 is now very popular for its powerful and 4K features. Fuji has restored its photographic heritage from analogue to digital.

Many of my professional photographer friends have recommended it. I have also studied, and understood, this mirrorless will be good.

By competing with smartphones and iPhones, digital and mirrorless cameras are becoming smaller and smaller, but their prices are not decreasing as quickly as they should.
The price of the Fujifilm X-T4 is over 2 lakh Tk (2,300 USD). I need to buy some other related accessories as well.

Crude realities-the multinational business glenmark and tricks always raise the price of cameras and digital devices by displaying less important news features.
Anyway, we need to adapt to new technology and get approval to meet market demand and cultural expectations.

I hope I will be able to do good work and assignments with the Fujifilm X-T4 in Bangladesh.