Documentary Films Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Shahjahan Siraj

South Asian Media Forum

The video is portraying the events on South Asia Media Forum 2008 in which theme was Harnessing the Media to enhance South Asian Cooperation

May 02, 2008. Dhaka, Bangladesh

Organised by: AMIC, PIB, ULAB, UNB, UNESCO
Direction & Editing: Shahjahan Siraj
Videography: J. Alam
Photography: Kamrul Hasan
Thanks to: Brian Shoesmith, Kalinga Senevirantne
Production: Machizo ( )
Copyrigh: AMIC ( )

Shohor Banu

Documentary on the Shohor Banu, a grassroots activist on new agriculture system in Bangladesh. Delduars Shohor Banu is a conscious farmer, a responsible mother and a social worker. Agriculture is her working tools for changing the society.

To control insect she cultivate mixed crop, in serious case use powder of jute seed.
She used self-made organic fertilizer. Without any formal education on agriculture. She becomes scholar on agriculture. Along with own life she wants to change of cultivation system. Along with own life she wants to contribute for change the whole cultivation system

The story of this grassroots farmer, may not be recognized by the policy makers but followed by village mates. To save local food, they have establish local seed bank, named “Bejar Akhra”. With seed exchange and knowledge sharing. They cooperate each other to cultivate.  Such way with the leadership of Shohor Banu, the Naya Krishi Andolon is spreading in the area

Today, with the spirit of Agriculture and creativity, Shahar Banu has been inspired and enlighten. By singing songs she spreads the information on saving seed and encourage cultivating local species. In evening arrange song performance in yard, however enjoy chemical free food

Script and direction: Shahjahan Siraj