Who am I? - Meeting yourself - Shahjahan Siraj
Who am I? – Meeting yourself

Who am I? If you want to enjoy your life truly, there is no alternative to meeting yourself. The best practices for an eternal meeting is, everyday at least follow one or two times become completely silence, however talking listen and take care the self.

Who am I? This is a very basic and simple question. Everybody in this world at least one time ask, but most people can not understand the answer. Because the answer is remaining within us (inside), but we look outside. We look at the scripture, we look at philosophy, we look at great books, and famous persons’ experiences and opinions.

But mostly we don’t make the effort and time, to search whinin ourselves. There are many good stories and opinions.

Many idealistic philosophers said a very intelligent person lives within us, inside everybody’s mind. Many philosophers said the human being is a holy temple (living temple). In this temple lives a very intelligent person. Because of busyness, because of too much concentration on money, property, and fame (power position), we can not make time and effort to meet the intelligent person.

This person has no limitations and lives inside the mind and heart of everybody. Some philosopher describes this intelligent person as a ‘Tiny God’, as a point of incarnation, and as connecting to God.

But as we can not make time to meet with this intelligent person, we miss the opportunities. Everybody needs to meet with an intelligent person at least one or two times a day. Otherwise, the human mind becomes unrest and becomes the victim of loneliness and ‘lack of love. If you don’t meet with this person, not only you, but this intelligent person also will suffer. In this way, human beings consciously or unconsciously become victims of suffering, victims of sadness.

So how we can meet this person? We need to give time to ourselves. we need to talk with this intelligent person in silence. When we become completely silent in a quiet place, separated from early life, and talk with ourselves, we can meet this person.

This is the very very holy, and very very divine meeting. To meet with the divine person, we no need to invest any money, any property, or anything, just need our interest. If we are interested we can get enormous peace and happiness by meeting with the person.

For meeting with the intelligent person, you no need to do strong meditation, you no need to do serious prayer, and you no need to be a saint or clothless (nude) guru. you can be an incarnation of this person within your decision.

I am sure if you really want within a minute, you can meet the person anytime. You can get the peace and happiness which you are desiring every moment.

In this short video, you will get some information and encouragement on ‘Meeting with Yourself’.

November 11, 2022