1st Grassroots Educational Video Festival - Shahjahan Siraj
1st Grassroots Educational Video Festival

With huge participation of the students and youth the first part of the “Bangladesh 1st Grassroots Educational Video Festival -2005” has been finished at Muktagacha and Kushtia, from 23-30 August, 2005 . The common feedback from the audience is to organize the festival every year and cover more schools and colleges. It is also suggested both from teachers and students to establish a “Local Media Center” where the students and youth will get regularly access to watch the documentaries on life issues and problems.

My experiences, “I am very impressed and moved to see the huge participation and cooperation. I understand beyond the educational curriculum it is very needed ICT education to the Grassroots youth. However visual and multimedia presentation are effective for quick result. In the region there is no any community media center, or knowledge center or telecenter. Children and youth are learning with struggle by their own initiatives. Privileged are wining in the struggle and the digital divide, information and opportunity gap are becoming more sharp which are not favorable for the future leadership and development. I believe a small “Grassroots Media Center” can make bridge and open the gate for Access to information and opportunities for local people. Within limited time and resources we organize the festival. My commitment in the year 2006 we will organize the festival more widely…”

Official URL: http://machizo.com/projectsarchive/videofestival

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1st Grassroots Educational Video Festival -2005

September 3, 2005