Photography still remain with its values - Shahjahan Siraj
Photography still remain with its values

Many friends and photographers say – smartphones and social media have killed photography. The golden time of photography has been finished. In a sense, the photographers are disappointed.
I don’t agree with them. Of course, the digital forms of photography have opened many opportunities, competition and many possibilities. The creators now need to adapt to the new ERR and flows of the third wave.

This is true, if photographers depend widely on smartphones and social media, instead of his SLD/DSLR camera, the values and creativity loss in the sea of bulkiness, however for quick capture.
As a creator, we need to use the digital media and options beyond the emotions. We should not track out the mind during capturing the moment but need to focus on target points with true love as photographers did in analog time. Unless photographers may don’t get perfect results, above all a ‘beacon of hope.

If you capture such a photo, of course, the image will be non-time-bound, eternal for all the time.

September 25, 2021