Eyes of Takashi Amano - Shahjahan Siraj
Eyes of Takashi Amano

Takashi Amano (天野尚 1954-1915) is one of my favorite Japanese photographers. I was impressed to read his great book ‘Sado – To Pristine Forest from Bottom of Sea’ and ‘Beautiful Niigata’. His great photography has inspired me to be a ‘geological photographer’. Last 5 August he has passed way suddenly. I was shocked to hear the news. Along with photographer, he was a designer and aquarist as well. I love his creative work and public motivations on media-art. He did photography from deep sea to sky. Good eyes, good views – I will not forget him. Best wishes for his peace in spiritual world.

More information at: http://amanotakashi.net/

September 14, 2015