Conference on improving research infrastructures with social media - Shahjahan Siraj
Conference on improving research infrastructures with social media

I am a participant of the 2 days conference is holding in BRAC inn. I would like to share my experiences and ideas for effective use of social media for development and research initiatives. Gradually, the social media is getting popular for wide range of usages. However, the general trend is to use in entertainment and personal communication. Although the social media initiators are making much money and becoming business and media giant, but general users are not getting minimum business benefit, even quality content producers also. The NGOs and activists are using widely today, but most of reference user are confused among huge junk information. It happens because of lack of media education and ethics. Hope we will find the ways for effective use of social media tools as global voices content in this meeting. Not only the initiators, the content producer also will get all kind of recognitions

February 24, 2011