Small plus small is equal to big - Shahjahan Siraj
Small plus small is equal to big

Receiving the small rivers and making self as mainstream is the nature of river, unless it never can be big, wide, and flowing. In the culture also happens same, by uniting the small ethnic culture main stream is making self the big and parents. If it does not receive, it becomes dry and at last, it will die. Such way in the world now four major culture and religions, Islam, Buddhism, Hindu, and Christianity have been established own good position. As the demand of time and maturity of civilization the religions and culture need to unite now with same motto, One Family Under God, centering on United Nations (UN). Otherwise, the global family and real peace establishment will be very difficult. Although every culture has different starting point but inheriting final and same destination, peace and happiness. To establish Global Family, UN now needs to concentrate to establish religious council. It is needed as religions are inheriting the values beyond the national benefits to that of whole humanity. Religions also need to reconfirm the mission and Gods Vision by overcoming the shallow debates, fallen natures however submerged own limitations.

Arnold Joseph Toynbee discovered 26 streams of civilizations, which are marched into four major religious cultures.In the high rising of this civilization, it is true to unite, the different culture but can be easy if we can realize inner essence beyond the intellectual practices.

March 12, 2011