Sengamori mountain , Fukushima - Shahjahan Siraj
Sengamori mountain , Fukushima

I have joined in the mountain climbing festival with community members of Iino organised by local NPO. Every year they organise to overcome the tiredness of cold and preparation to receive Sakura. The slogan of the festivals was `we love forest` which coughed my heart. Together with all age peoples I climbed the mountain `Sengamori` which is 576 meters, embraces the Fukushima town by limbs . We have walked through the deep forest and observed the flora, natural beauty along with Japanese culture. I was impressed to see that, in Bangladesh we empower by nationalism, feel comfortable say this is Bangladeshi. However, Japanese feel comfortable to say this is global!

Yesterday, I first saw Japanese priest and religious ceremony. Before I have thought, developed Japanese might not follow the religious traditions, as heard before! Nevertheless, they follow just like us. The climbing ceremony was started by praying and opening ceremony in Sentu Shrine. During the long pray and conditions, the young were getting tired of, but aged people felt inner peace freedom by meeting God. After three hours climbing, we were tired of and gradually reached the top of mountain. From the crest to see the whole Fukushima city, I was impressed. How beautiful this mountainous nature is! I am impressed to see Japanese hospitality, everybody takes care me, and many persons give me food and exchange the greetings at top. Even though most cannot speak English, but try to say with me something and feel pride after taking cafe and food, had been delivered NPO again start to down with relax.

April 10, 2005