I love Sakura - Shahjahan Siraj
I love Sakura

After 3 month continuous snowing and cold, the tree is getting life. The flower has started before leaves, with the spirit of warms. It just like wake up of nature from deep sleep. This is my first time seeing cherry blossom (sakura), is Japan’s unofficial national flower. My Japanese fried has said, if you see the beauty of Sakura perhaps you do not want to go back to Bangladesh; you would say, this is my homeland! In a family party on of my relatives have told me, under cherry blossom drinking wine just like a heaven!

Now I am waiting to see the Sakura. Every afternoon I visit the park with my wife and children . Now, Sakura is starting. My wife has said – this time whole japan becomes “country of flower” with various kinds of cherry blossoms. People drink, eat, and sing during the day and night. It is like a picnic. It generally starts middle of April. The cherry blossom viewing is known as hanami. It has been celebrated since 7th century and takes a very prominent position in Japanese culture. Cherry blossoms take position as national flower of Japan.

April 10, 2005