Opinion - Shahjahan Siraj


King of people

I am impressed to see the love of peoples to the Thai King. People respect him and his ministry without question. He also...

Inauguration of Machizo Multimedia

Today I have started my own company Machizo Multimedia. The Japanese word “MACHIZO” comes from “Machi Ukegazou” which...

One Jabani

Coronet is my son, was born in Japan. As he is by born Japanese but living and growing in Bangladesh. I and my wife say him...

Adivasi Cultural Festival

Adivasi Cultural Festival

Hamni Hiki Bangladeshi , was the first performance by an Oraon young group in the festival. This three days annual festival...

Inspiring rural youth and children

First Grassroots Educational Video Festival in Bangladesh, 23-30 August, 2005 The idea of the ‘Grassroots Video Festival’...

Democratising force of ICT

ICT and Human Rights Promotion in Bangladesh ICT, specially Internet, used in collaboration with human rights activism,...

ICT justice in Japan

Japan is the highest cellphone user country of the world. Japanese women don’t passocon ( local terminology of laptop ) but...