Opinion - Shahjahan Siraj


Family is a mini government!

Family is a mini government! In the family, commonly father is the president and mother is first lady, however the children...

Talking with cook

My son Coronet now is enjoying Eid vacation in Mymensing. Today, he tried to talk with cook and cat. But he was...

Don’t try to change others

Trying to change other(s), mostly great loss of time and effort. However makes complexity in personal reality that make...

Problem is process of development

Problem is not problem; problem is process of development if we can handle the problem properly. Don't avoid the problem....

Beyond the mistakes

Doing mistake is human nature and limitation! Consciously and continuously doing same mistake never forgives by spiritual...

Going to lovely world!

Earthly life decides one will go to heaven or hell. The traditional beliefs do not want to allow this truth! Without any...

Loss of time, loss of heart

Because of egoistic involvement generally our presence and vision turn to abstractness with unreachable target. As a result...

What is true love?

Give, give and give! Forget what you given! Again Give! .This is the universal definition of true love. In a nut shell can...

Born again

Today ( 1st September ), my birthday! Thanks all for sending greetings! I recall the objectives of physical life. It is the...

South Asian Media Forum

The video is portraying the events on South Asia Media Forum 2008 in which theme was Harnessing the Media to enhance South...