Opinion - Shahjahan Siraj


Don’t kill but sacrifice

Killing has been stopped and protected as humanrights. But sacrifice and devotion still should show! Otherwise evilness...

Motivations of Eid

The whole nation is now moving to celebrate Eid! Before celebration, we need to back to past for reconfirming our...

Experiences at 4th ACSA Conference

Following the schedule with the presence of experts and participants from 18 countries the ACSA 4th event was held in the...

Anika and Movenpick

4th November 2010 , just after return from Bangkok I enjoyed ice-cream with Anika. She loves ice-cream very much. During...

Super man

During return from school, I asked my son, what your aim in life is. My motivation was to know his liking. Without...

Good citizenship

Good citizenship The secret to make a developed Japan is education. Just after from the second world both government and...

Great teachings

Silence and staying present can save you from all kinds� unrest and conflicts! Let�s practice for am moment! You will get...

Substantial love

We love subjectively, but need love objectively, unless it will become false love! Because of this we cannot rejoice the...

Absolute parental position

Today ( 21 September ) is the2nd birthday of my daughter, Anika . We celebrate and enjoyed together pizza culture in Pizza...


Children’s personalities depend on the environment! As parents and relatives, we must create a good environment for making...