Opinion - Shahjahan Siraj


Yuki, snowing in Sado

As a Bangladeshi for me, snowing is very enjoyable. I enjoyed the first day of snowing in Sado with my daughter. The video...

Happy Happy Cooking

‘Happy Happy Cooking’ performance by my daughter Anika . She follows the cooking program from TV during staying in Sado...

পিতা ও পুত্র

তুমিই আমার পিতা, তুমিই আমার মাতা তুমি তার চেয়্ওে বড়, ধারন করো মাতা পিতা দুইয়ের মন। হয়ে য্ওা ভালোবাসা মহান, অপ্রতিদন্ধি।...

Become father

Become father

I become father of son on 21 October. The baby born in Sado Island in Japan. To protect baby from nuclear radiation my wife...

Life in Sado

My family has been shifted at Sado Island at Japan for six month to protecting from the possible side effect of radiation....

Book on Coronet

Book on Coronet

I found the book published on my son Coronet. I impressed to see the record. It was published on 3rd birthday anniversary,...

Bangladesh presentation in Japan

Misuzu and I San have jointly presented a video on Bangladesh in the event of International Community Association dated 26...

Parapara dance

Coronet and Anika are dancing by following one Japanese advertisement. I have captured this video with iPod touch and...