Opinion - Shahjahan Siraj


Picnic from elementary school

This video has been take during the picnic of Anika's school. We went military camp and city park of Dhaka. The students...

Japanese class room

The video has been taken from the class of my son Coronet during his monthly performance as extended learning in Sado, Japan.

Workshop on Digital Campaign

Workshop on Digital Campaign

I facilitated a session in the workshop on 'Digital Campaign', organized by CSRL and Oxfam GB/ Bangladesh. The event was...

I love baby

One of our Japanese friends sent a Thai dress gift market with ‘I Love Baby’ words for our youngest soon Koon.e wears the...

True Parent’s Day

As a global family member as well as inter-faith and true love practitioner, I appreciate very much the ‘True Parent’s Day...

আমার উপন‍্যাস – আশার আলো

তরুণ কৃষিবিজ্ঞানী সাগরের বর্তমান চর্চা, রত্নার জীবন স্বপ্ন, বাবার মরমী দর্শন,ভালোবাসার সংগ্রাম ও টানাপোড়ন নিয়ে লেখা এই...

Save freedom, save knowledge!

I do not want to see the world without free and open knowledge. Certainly I have respect on copyright and proper use of...

Sibling love

Coronet and Anika are appreciating the youngest Kouon kun. Japanese children has good habit to appreciate and objective...