Opinion - Shahjahan Siraj


Obon festival in Japan

This festival is one of the important Japanese Buddhist traditions. It has been turned into national tradition as most of...


Noh, one of the oldest Japanese performing art. I am impressed by the Noh performace in Sado Homa-Kae. We joined with...

Cultural journey to Nowra

During staying in Japan, I generally visit new place or join event every Saturday and or Sunday priority to cultural event...

সুপ্রিয় হুমায়ুন আহম্মেদ

একটি নাটকের চরিত্রে জন‍্য সারা দেশে মিছিল হয় প্ৃথিবীতে এর একটাই উদাহরন, হুমায়ূন আহমেদের ' েকাথাও কেউ নেই'! মুক্তাগাছায়...

Visiting Rengebuji Temple

I am impressed to see the beauty of Rengebuji Temple (蓮華峰寺) in Ogi, Sado, Japan. It is full with natural beauty and flowers...

Alien Family

First fun with 'Photo Booth' of new Mac Book Pro. My chilren was happy to see their alien like face. Particularly Coronet...