Oni-daiko[Ondeko]Masuri in Sado island, Japan - Shahjahan Siraj
Oni-daiko[Ondeko]Masuri in Sado island, Japan

Ondako Masuri, is a Japanese popular festival where the performer ware dress of Oni ( giant/ bad spirit )  and dance with Japanese dram sound. This is a special cultural event and believe in Sado Island. I am impressed to see the performance devotion and practices. On the eve of this festival every year organized a fair where traditional food has been sold. Before the festival the performer go  each community. Each house donate and belief that by donating and the performance the bad spirit will out , particularly from the body of children. Sado people believe each year bad demon come and by the festival, the bad spirit from body as well as from area.
Onidaiko[Ondeko] Masuri
There are around 120 demon dram group in Sado. However in Japan generally traditional performance generally practices generation to generation beyond professional approach to community spirit and belief. Parents generally touch the children as they know.  The festival is celebrating since last 500 years. Nowadays the festival is expanding from Sado/ Nigata to another prefecture as well.
My family and children visited today ( 27 May 2012 ) Onidaiko Fair. However took a small video with iPod Touch.

May 27, 2012