Nobel works, nobel farmers - Shahjahan Siraj
Nobel works, nobel farmers
Nobel Farmer in Japan

Farmers are the most important, creative and responsible people in the world. They are important more than a president of a country, founder of a religion, artist of world-famous art. Because we eat their lovely productions. Sometimes they give us the best crops and fruits from their field before their eating.

We can live without other things, but can not live without the contributions of farmers.

This photo I had taken in Sado during my afternoon walk. The husband was harvesting rice infield, the wife stood by for helping husbandman, as did the farmers in ancient times.

In this modern age Japanese farmers, widely use machines in agriculture but do not forget their traditions. They cultivate rice and crops with total heart and devotion. Sado’s farmers as more special, they don’t use chemicals and pesticides, which are harmful to Toki birds.

In Bangladesh like developing countries, day by day the use of machines is increasing in agriculture. But the wife does not help, as did in ancient times.

During harvesting, the Bangladeshi farmers mostly depend on the help of labourers. The women are almost absent in farming for Muslim dominancy culture. But some Adivasi, Hindu and Animist communities’ women do agricultural works

November 6, 2021