NHK Multimedia, a public educational TV centre - Shahjahan Siraj
NHK Multimedia, a public educational TV centre

As I know the NHK TV network is the most successful multimedia initiatives in the world. It regularly broadcasts every life, problems and news combine with video, audio, animation, text, graphics and characters to make easier the complex information and matters to nationwide general problem by local language. How effectively the old ICT , TV network can play important role – I have understand this time in Japan by my six months practical experiences. Even though I can not understand the Japanese all but whole matters I understand from NHK’s multimedia presentation. I have checked in villagers also, they know update information about essential matters < terrorists’ attack in London also >. When I asked, from where you learn; they say NHK terivi. My Japanese sensei ( teacher ) say, “I have learned vast things from NHK more than my university. It gives me all latest information from Iraq war to stomach problems, cooking to space knowledge…”. NHK is a great example to give the ownership of modern information and technology to the majority people beyond uni-nature ICT, TV’s entertainment and shallow approaches. The photographs has taken from the NHK program about skin and bloods vessels problems and prevention.

More info at ;

July 11, 2005