Challenge to eat Natto - Shahjahan Siraj
Challenge to eat Natto

Natto, is a traditional Japanese food. As like as all Japanese my wife also like very much Natto! However, I can not tolerate Natto’s lurid smile and stickiness. Most of foreigners can not eat first time natto like me. Natto is soft soybeans with unique smell and the stickiness, which create for fermentization of beans. It is very popular as it contains all nutrition and ingredients that have in soybeans. Additionally Natto contains unique enzyme, which is called Nattokinase. Nattokinase creates good blood circulation. It is very effective to prevent adult diseases.

Young, especially girls like Natto very much as it increases 3-4 times vitamin B2 of soybeans . Vitamin B2 burns fat, make slim the body and increase the beauty. Natto makes skin velvety-smooth. Natto’s vitamin B2 is not available in common food, which is a very important ingredient to keep bones healthy. Natto’s fiber also fixes the balance of intestinal bacteria and makes the intestines function well.
Natto is very popular in Japan for its anticancer, antiulcer, anti-stress, antibacterial action; and inhibition of menopausal disorder, neutral fat, and cholesterol, and prevention of aging and dementia, impaired liver function, allergies, cold and flu. There is many sub products of Natto in which name also different based on ingredients and making process.
Natto has been made just by soybeans and water.

February 11, 2005