My journey to a new camera. - Shahjahan Siraj
My journey to a new camera.

My first EOS, 7D in Dhaka is almost dying. So I am going to buy a Panasonic 4K Television camcorder for documentary filmmaking.

In my experience, television cameras still are good, however, the price is less compared to that of EOS and mirrorless.

Light, small and powerful EOS is good both for video and photography. So I was keenly interested to use it. The most disadvantage of EOS and Mirrorless is the model and technology are upgrading and changing randomly and quickly. It kills my confidence in technology.

But in Japan, my mirrorless and EOS MarkIII are still good. I will use both as well.

My recent feeling Panasonic is perfect for videography.

Someday I will share more experiences on using Panasonic and Canon both.

February 14, 2022