Life changing technology : my visions and experiences - Shahjahan Siraj
Life changing technology : my visions and experiences

Happiness and joy is the purpose of life and works through loving and serving other. My research finding, there is only one way to get happiness by implementation of subjective desire to object partners. However, it is difficult to get and or make the ideal object partner for executing the plans, visions as well as desires. Most people, particularly the privileged youth, are confused by huge information to get the true joy as they discover self identity. A lot of devotion therefore needs be made by the youths as well the great men.

As a multimedia designer, along with the numerous opportunity to interact with the professional world, I got the idea of “web and multimedia” as alternative platform for implementing my visions that give me enormous joy and happiness. My media work, plans and messages effectively spread worldwide through internet within the shortest time possible. This usually makes me happy and inspired to go forward. The latest multimedia technology that is web based became my great mentor and working canvas to the extent that life without multimedia does not bring life to my spirit. This led me to become a multiple personality which included being a producer, a publisher, an advocate and a writer all at the same time. In multimedia technology, I have vision for a violence free, harmonious peaceful information society where all citizens will get equal opportunity to be monar-maus (true man).

On 17th August 2005, there were 459 blasts in 63 districts within 30 minutes countrywide which made the day a black memory of Bangladesh history. The most alarming thing with this terrorism was that it mostly involved marginalized and misguided grassroots youths, the militants and innocent believers, with no clear concept about the modern world and culture, faith and life style.

General findings indicate that, these incidences were not cause of the problem but rather because we could not educate and train up the fallen as universal minded, and at the same time did not give them opportunity for encountering the fanaticism, hate, prejudices and ignorance. The crude reality in the Bangladesh is that majority of people don’t have at least minimum access to basic life information and opportunity. The youth and children are growing here without having any way of informing themselves and therefore living in high risk of hidden conflict, insecurity, prejudice, as well in degradation of human values. This is time to involve, inspire and unite the youth by initiating national youth movement with possible slogans such as, “saving youth, saving nation”.

With all these in mind, it has been my strongest feelings that I need to make steps for change. It has always been my wish to contribute to rooting out the misunderstandings and anti-development forces by media education, through proper information, news and opportunity dissemination. With this marvelous vision, I have had the opportunity to initiate “Unnayan News” which can be accessed through this link;, and is the first South Asian Multimedia and Development webzine.

It is my belief that only one thing can make an unprecedented development by making revelation in heart and encouraging the people in participation. After realizing the importance of visual media, I recently launched Bangladesh first online TV called, Unnayan TV ( ). The Unnayan TV will feature the unreported Bangladesh issues and will create space for marginalized community particularly grassroots poor to express their voice, experience and stories. It is my vision to make Bangladeshi people at the grassroots level the “internet hero”.

Youths have a character defined wanting to make everything new and fresh. Most don’t want to be failed, always insist on success and development. With the desire to change, Bangladeshi youth also nowadays widely use the modern technology. This is a good sign. My observation is that there is lack of spirit and ethics in the ICT sector. There is need to ensure democratization of ICT and introduction “New Media Ethics” for majority people’s benefit along with individual’s uses.

From the beginning, I have always tried to follow and formulate “new media ethics” in my visions and works. The base of my working ethos is the “Core Values” that is “living for the sake of the others” and “dream big with courageous challenge, confidence and patriotic spirit”. I think, if we use and think the technology with social commitment, we shall get more good result in all spheres of life. Regarding this erythematic good team work, common vision centering on higher purpose like a dance and music band is necessary. However there is always need for the ownership responsibility.

In conclusion I would like to say that multimedia such internet technology is playing parental role in my life. It serves me, teaches me and recognizes me wholly just as my parents would. It makes me a “Global Citizen” and “Active Member” of one world global family. Now I do professional work in many countries from Dhaka. I can interact any time, any place and with connected individuals. I feel and love the world as I would love my family. My desire is that, you will be inspired by my testimony and become more active and successful by uniting and contributing to this lovely world and country.

Note: Published in Panorama | TakingITGlobal | 10 Oct, 2007

October 2, 2007