'It's Raining' - Candian Pandemic Fund and Asian Minds - Shahjahan Siraj
‘It’s Raining’ – Candian Pandemic Fund and Asian Minds

(Canadian Public Story and Trudeaus’ Policy )
– এমন শাসক কবে গো হবে সৃজন, এশিয়াতে…

The common trends of western countries are imperialism, capitalism, media hegemony, ‘mastan-like’ self-justification, showing subjective superiority, and making slavery in different forms,. So I don’t like the western countries’ global policies and cultures.

Although the West are doing good jobs in science and technology, war, and pornography, I don’t care about their focus points in branding and global business; as they love to make hidden tricks and divisions in humankind.

Good news, after a long time, my stone-like resentment against the West has been melted like ice cream by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. He is the hero of my change.

I appreciate very much Trudeaus’ motivation in his “rainy day fund” initiative. His public voice touched my heart. During the COVID-19 pandemic. He unexpectedly approved and spent a lot of money on public benefits by delivering inspirational words and cash dollars. Despite the huge national debates, he did not stop providing cash assistance to the general Canadian population.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that Canada had always kept a “rainy day fund.” …” it’s raining” right now. This is the time of spending, and that is what we are doing.

Although Canada is a G7 country but is not rich compared to Japan. Moreover, there are many rich counties in the middle east and Asia. None of them for Asia helped the people like Trudeau and Canada. I understand Bangladesh has funding and resource limitations, but what about Japan, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, etc.?

Japan is still ‘World’s number 3 richest ‘ county but helped the people very little. Each Japanese receives pandemic aid only an average of 2000 dolor, ( equivalent to the amount of a month’s cost for a lower-middle-class family); whereas a Canadian citizen has received over 60000+ dolor, and a soft loan for continuing their business.

I thought, in a performance race, Saudi ironman “Rich Salman’ would do something better than Trudeau. But he remained silent to help the people.

I asked my Canadian friend, who lives in Canada, about how the Canadian government helps people. He said –

“Asian leaders still cannot change their rule positions. It seems they feel, they are not servent, but masters. They can not see the people’s worse realities through public eyes. Asian countries love to use their citizens for tax revenue generation, but they are not eager to help their people like Trudeau. I appreciate the Canadians’ motivation – the state’s money is for the people, and for helping in emergency crises, not for lazy saving or ruling. The Asian states should change their position 180 degrees by understanding the public mind for serving people truly.

Related link: http://bit.ly/3E2yoTX’

November 13, 2022