Global Citizen Festival, Fukushima, Japan - Shahjahan Siraj
Global Citizen Festival, Fukushima, Japan

6th March was the “Fukushima Global Citizen Festival, 2005” in Koriama Big Parato Centre. It is a big community gathering in which motto of the festival is – “Citizen of Earth: what we could do now”. We, the team from Iino also have joined in the festival.

Including JICA forty-three NPO and youth organizations have displayed their work, activities and caliber for serving the world people and embrace the world culture. Some centers collect donation by selling folk and indigenous products of developing countries for those children education and poverty alleviation. I was very surprised to see Japanese people’s generosity to “tsunami” effected countries’ especially to the children of Sri Lanka. There was 11 countries food restaurant, served individual country’s food and test with Japanese team. I personally have looked for Bangladesh or Indian food as I was missing longtime to eat Bangladeshi test. At last, I have got a Pakistani shop where an Indian also was selling. I ate one chapatti and chicken tikka but price is very high, 450 yen! During eating I touch the price – this food price in Bangladesh only 30-40 taka (60 – 80 yen)!

I have got prices by lottery and brought “South Asian spice” (turmeric, cardamom-cinnamon power) in order to cook Bangladeshi curry in house. Even though very high price but I am happy to get at last South Asian spice in Fukushima.

To unite with world culture, I took instant photo in the Global Youth Organisation’s mobile studio by wearing Arabian dress. After enjoying youth performance on different countries dance and music performance in Global Citizen stage, I took tea JICA’s centre. During drinking tea, I have met and took photo with a person who was three years Bangladesh. Fluently spoke Bangla. He has said, “We are very grateful to the World as Japanese food mostly comes from around the world. You are taking South African’s tea, with Hong Kong’s sweat and American Milk! During eat we don’t live in Japan, we live in the world….”. I am very relief to sea Japanese people humbleness and embracing world culture. My realization, Japanese people may dominant the world with more dignity by loving and serving, if they continue their divine views.

March 6, 2005