Figuererobics - Shahjahan Siraj

The world now is getting interest to the peace issue through the “mind and body” unity. Along with meditation nowadays the different method of physical fitness are very popular.

Jung Da Yeon, is one of the most popular physical exercise master in Korean. She also popular in Japan, particularly to young generation.

Jung Da Yeon once was 74 kg in weight. The bulk body was not so good looking. He started exercise and reduce weight by own invented method, “Figurerobics”. Nowadays is the most popular physical exercises trainer.

She released CD and Book with her practical experiences and method. This is available in Amazon as well.

My wife brought from Amazon for me, as I am now 74 KG. I have must reduce my weight to control my diabetics as well. I have taken challenge and practicing each afternoon together wife my wife. I am enjoying.

Note: the DVD, CD and Book of Figurerobics are available in Amazon Japan. However, has option of international distribution?

January 10, 2011