Changing Media, Changing Societies - Shahjahan Siraj
Changing Media, Changing Societies

Greetings from 17th AMIC annual conference. The theme of this year conference is “Changing Media, Changing Societies: Media and the Millennium Development Goals”. I was attended in the event ( Manila Hotel 14-17 July, 2008 )

From the beginning the huge coverage of “Media and Development” issues centering on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were impressive. In the active participation of educators, professors, media professional, civil society members and students were inspirational for me. I got clear ideas and understanding on ‘power of media’ and people’s participation for Millennium Development Goals achievements.

I was involved with two presentations. I presented a paper on, “ Newmedia leadership and youth participation – Reality and practices in Bangladesh” and contributed to the joint presentation “ Extending Borders, Opening Minds: Building Capacity through E-Learning strategies and methodologies in Bangladesh” of ULAB, RNTC

Furthermore I have captured the video of sessions, important presentations and programs to make web documentaries on the events which will publish soon in the ULAB, UnnayanTV and AMIC’s websites.

More info at:

July 14, 2008