Training NGOs towards Alternative Communities Using ICT and Networking - Shahjahan Siraj
Training NGOs towards Alternative Communities Using ICT and Networking

I was a trainer in the training NGOs towards Alternative Communities Using ICT and Networking’ . It was organized by Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) collaboration with World Association for Christian Communication (WACC-AR).

The training workshop was held on 11 -14 March, 2004 at YWCA Training Center, Iqbal Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka- 1207. The workshop focused on using online and offline methods/platform for lobbying, advocacy, social communication, networking, some ICT tools such as e-mails, e-newsletter, mailing lists and discussion group for effective communication across Internet .

Since 2000 BNNRC promote information communication and technology (ICT) facilities just not as a privilege; but also as a human right, so that there will be little of digital divide that is perpetuating poverty.

March 8, 2004