Experiences at 4th ACSA Conference - Shahjahan Siraj
Experiences at 4th ACSA Conference

Following the schedule with the presence of experts and participants from 18 countries the ACSA 4th event was held in the campus of Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand. The opening ceremony and key notes presentation were held in the main conference room of the university. After opening the sessions were theme wise divided into 2 groups. Parallel two session was help everyday in the room no A 51 and A52 which is open for choose for any participants. In the continuously sessions audience were international participants, selected students and local guest lecturer as well as experts. After the presentation all experts open discussion session was help with interactive question and answer for details and specific explanation.

My session was held in the afternoon of first day, 1st November. The title of my presentation was,  80plus1, Jouney Around the World: LiveBits Experiences from Dhaka. (http://machizo.com/siraj/event/acsa/acsa2010.ppsx ) Along with the presentation, I presented a video on our experiences. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ucs0SY6GzU). The audience was inspired by the experiences of 80plus1 in Dhaka. The emphasized in my session  Art and culture become more powerful to unite and change, when the technology, particularly web multimedia add with innovation. Upon the request of the audience, in the evening introducing party the full 81minutes on 80plus1 project in Dhaka was screen.

November 11, 2010