80plus1 - livebits experiences from Dhaka - Shahjahan Siraj
80plus1 – livebits experiences from Dhaka

The global project ’80+1 : Journey Around the World’ was formulated with the spirit of Jules Verne’s famous classic, “80 Days Around the World ”. The activities of the project was formulated with unique combustion of new media and old media. This project is the first use of LiveBits video streaming, together with FreshBits and ConnectBits multimedia documentations in Bangladesh. Beyond the physical travel, the virtual journey was accomplished with the satellite hook-up, fiber optic cable and the stops along the way 20 locations of the world covering 20 contemporary issues from June 17 to September 5, 2009 for 81 days. From Dhaka focus to Dhakai market, we present Dhaka life style, culture and reality to the global audience.
Detail information at http://machizo.com/80plus1

September 7, 2009