Japanese rich! - Shahjahan Siraj
Japanese rich!
ধনীর দিন শেষ কিন্তু ধনীগিরি রয়ে গেছে
I met this rich woman (75+) on 2015 in a coffee shop. When I was enjoying the snack with children. Suddenly, the shop owner came and said to my wife,
– This woman is one of the richest person in the area! She wants to talk with your husband and children. She loves to talk with foreigners.
After the introduction, when I was impressively listening to her glorious past with elegant wording. She said,
– I am not rich. My father was rich. By inheriting his property I am still wealthy. But I am happy for his education more than the money. He taught me if you love and serve others for making smiles you will be rich! If you hate others you will lose your position to the poorest.
When I asked money to the father for a dress, he gave at least 2 million (20+ lacs) to buy a kimono. I love to dress Kimono as my father like to see me with traditional dress. So, I still wear every day the expensive Kimono which he gave me.
End of the talking she said, your children can buy as they want from this shop. I would like to pay all of your bills. When I was hesitating she says,
– I don’t have the way to spend. I love to give gifts children as my father gave me.
In Japan, I can not understand who is rich, who is poor! Because, the standard of dress, food, living, car, education etc are mostly average in quality. However, people do not show either superiority or inferiority in daily life. She was happy when I said, I will include your photo in my book.
Link// http://shahjahansiraj.com/diary/japaneserich/
January 23, 2018