Friendship forever! - Shahjahan Siraj
Friendship forever!

With my mentor Shahid Ullah bhai during crossing river for research work on Climate Change Adaptation in Morrelgong, Bagerhat District. Shaid bhai is a devoted development researcher, social scientist, and activist. I enjoy his good contact always, however, love to debate with him with joking on contemporary issues.

It needs to mention, after my university education in Geology, I got the chance to work and learn with Shahid Ullah on the human rights and development issues ( 1995-2000). The opportunity helped me to fill up the gap of social-science knowledge. Once we tried to practice together the regenerative agriculture ( Masanobu Fukuoka Method ) and ‘People Participatory Process’ in Tagoregaon (1997). During staying together he openly shared many experiences and his views that helped me to analysis the social issues critically and deeply. In the early period of my career development, his help was very needed, however, encouraged me a lot in different ways.

I will never forget his contribution in my life. Still, his suggestions give me the power to move ahead. After many years, last month we got a chance to work together again for making a documentary film.

Photo Credit // Jahangir Alam

April 27, 2017