Rokushoiaki in Japan - Shahjahan Siraj
Rokushoiaki in Japan

Rokushoiaki ( 6年生を送る会 ) is the second phase of Japanese education. It is the six classes/ grade changing ceremony, which was held in the 10 years age of students. During ceremony music, drum show and cultural events have been arranged where all students and parents join. In the cultural events, teachers also perform drama or song to entertain the stu-dents. Rokushoiaki generally held in April of each year.

My son Koronetto Matsuzaki ​has completed Rokushoiaki. After two years, he will go to Junior High School. He is growing with science skill and art education. We are glad for his growing with knowing the world and life. The video has been taken in the Rokushoiaki of Kanie Junior School, Sado-shi, Niigata, during the Rokushoiaki of my son Koronetto.

March 6, 2015