The family is a heaven on earth. It is the safest place in the world for anybody! We can get shelter, love, food and take care services beyond the price!

The Chinese character ‘Jia’ means family. It refers to living 3 generations together.

I have been loving to study on family values since 1995. My understanding, the so-called nuclear family is not a complete family. It may give relax, but not love and peace. To get experiences of all types love needs to make the complete! When 3 generations live together, with the unity of representatives of ‘past’ ( grant parents ), present ( father-mother) and future ( children). Such a family becomes complete, life becomes happy and beautiful. The story of love, sharing and cooperation don’t stop in the real family.

The problems, conflicts, and unrest start directly-indirectly from the family; the solution also has and possible in the family.

Living three generations together is the rural norms worldwide, particularly in China, Japan and in Bangladesh. As today’s culture and society dominating and operating by the educated town families, they need to welcome the family values.

Interesting video on the issue:

January 25, 2018